- 20150918_JTEG_TF_intermittence1.png
- 2015 Aerospace NFF Survey Findings
- $21M of Cost Savings and Still Counting
- AA-and-S-Australia-2018.png
- aandd_ktn.jpg
- About Copernicus Technology
- Accessories: Intermittent Fault Emulator
- Accessories: Mobile Vibration System
- Accessories: Test Hardware
- Accessories: Test Software
- Accreditations
- ADS article describes highly successful first meeting of No Fault Found Working Group
- ads logo.png
- advance-diagnostics.png
- AE2016.jpg
- ageingaircraft_gmh_onstage_mar11.jpg
- AGP1.jpg
- AGP2.jpg
- AGP3.jpg
- airworthconf.png
- AJAX_crown-copyright.jpg
- ALaRMS Accreditation on MODNet Pivotal in Assisting RAF P-8A Poseidon Training Course Design
- A_member_of_ADS.jpg
- Avalon.png
- Aviation-Electronics-Europe-2017.jpg
- Aviation-Space-Testing-2017.jpeg
- bloodhound-lsr.png
- BOB_web.png
- Bristow Helicopters: another satisified customer
- Bursary Power Boost for Engineering Student
- Business Policy Statements
- Can you afford the cost of No Fault Found?
- Case Study: Airliner Display LRU
- Case Study: Eurofighter
- Case Study: RAF Chinook
- Case Study: RAF Sentinel R1
- Case Study: RAF Tornado
- Case Study: Sikorsky S-92
- Case Study: SMART resource management tool
- ceas_2009_logo.jpg
- ceas_2009_picture1.jpg
- Chasing wiring faults.jpg
- cimbian.png
- Come to our 2012 Industry Day in Lincoln
- COMFRC-Xmas-message_2016-12-21.jpg
- conferencemay10_1.jpg
- conferencemay10_2.jpg
- Contact
- Copernicus Technology achieves Quality and Cyber Security standards
- Copernicus-Technology-ADS-SME-Success-page.png
- Copernicus Technology at AA&S 2018 in Brisbane
- Copernicus Technology at industry day for UK MOD - Bristol, 6th June 2017
- Copernicus Technology awarded Visual Recognition training contract for RAF P-8A Maritime Patrol Aircraft
- Copernicus Technology celebrates 10 years in business
- Copernicus-Technology_circuit-detail.jpg
- Copernicus Technology completes delivery of Maritime Patrol Aircraft training courses
- Copernicus Technology delivers Training Management System to RAF Poseidon Fleet
- Copernicus Technology featured in 'Aerospace America'
- Copernicus Technology featured in Aerospace Testing International article
- Copernicus Technology Ltd at the Electronics Systems National Technical Committee (NTC) Conference
- Copernicus Technology Ltd at the UK Ministry of Defence Test & Evaluation Seminar
- Copernicus Technology Ltd has rejoined ADS
- Copernicus Technology Ltd joins the Aerospace & Defence Knowledge Transfer Network (A&D KTN)
- Copernicus Technology Ltd Present at the Prestigious European Air & Space Conference
- Copernicus Technology Ltd - raising the profile of their unique expertise!
- Copernicus Technology presenting to RAeS Maintenance Conference
- Copernicus-Technology-presents-training-package-to-P8A-PT.jpg
- Copernicus-Technology_RAF-P8A-Training-Management-System-delivery.jpg
- Copernicus_Technology-Revealing-Solutions.png
- copernicus_technology-revealing-solutions_website-logo.png
- Copernicus Technology reveals 2015 product range
- Copernicus-Technology_SCDI-award-2016-09-09.jpg
- Copernicus-Technologys-John-Baker-receives-best-HUMS-paper_Avalon2015.jpg
- Copernicus-Technology_SMART-product-factsheet.pdf
- Copernicus-Technology_Visual-Target-Recognition-example_2018.png
- Copernicus Technology wins Avalon 2015 Best HUMS Paper award
- Copernicus Technology wins new MOD training contract for RAF P-8A Poseidon fleet
- cranfield-buildings.jpg
- cranfield ncompass 01.jpg
- cranfield ncompass 02.jpg
- CTL_18Feb10_RAeS_Abstract_System Integrity_SD_G Huby & J Cockram.pdf
- CTL_2010Jan19_RAeS_Abstract_System Integrity_G Huby & J Cockram.pdf
- CTL Achieves ISO9001 Accreditation
- ctl_ads_wrolls_mar11.jpg
- CTL announced in No Fault Found Symposium speaker line-up
- CTL announces MPA Training and Consultancy Solutions
- CTL announces the introduction of new Training Courses in No Fault Found and Advanced Diagnostics
- CTL at MIT
- ctl_casestudy_overview.pdf
- CTL Director becomes a Fellow of the RAeS
- CTL featured in the Defence Management Journal
- ctl_indday_howtoattackdowntime.pdf
- CTL Industry Day 2012
- ctl_industry_day_flyer_20120808.pdf
- ctl_iso.png
- CTL launches NOVA!
- ctl nff survey.jpg
- ctl_nova_generic_flyer_4mar2013.pdf
- CTL plays major supporting role to formation of a UK NFF Working Group
- CTL presentation to the 2011 Ageing Aircraft Conference
- CTL presents at landmark UK Aerospace conference
- CTL presents at leading Digital Healthcare conference
- CTL presents at the RAeS Airworthiness & Maintenance Conference
- CTL Publishes No Fault Found Survey Report
- CTL’s Business Development Director Receives Prestigious Aviation Accolade
- ctl_trg_advanced-diagnostics.pdf
- ctl_trg_nff-masterclass.pdf
- ctl_trg_nff-solutions.pdf
- CTL_WebNews_US_DoD_Maintenance_Great_Ideas_Winner.pdf
- Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation
- data-exploitation.png
- Delivery of Advanced Maintenance Strategy course for Colin Sanders Associates in the Far East.
- Derco.jpg
- derco.png
- digital healthcare.png
- dit-mco01.png
- dit-mco-voyager-in-use.jpg
- dit-mco-voyager.png
- dmj-57.png
- dmj-58.png
- dmj-59.png
- dod_logo.jpg
- Download Files
- Downloads from the JTEG Intermittence Testing forum
- eca1.png
- EPSRC-Centre.png
- epsrc.jpg
- esntc_conference.jpg
- F16Sun.png
- f-16_sunset.jpg
- f-16_tcg_wwr.jpg
- fcapicture.jpg
- FIA2018_Copernicus-Technology-Highlands-stand.jpg
- FIA-2018---Highlands--Islands-Pavilion.pdf
- Finding a Cure for No Fault Found
- First-Time-Fix-IMprovement-Cycle-624x468.png
- Flying the flag for Aerospace & Defence SMEs
- Francais
- hie.jpg
- hie_logo.jpg
- HMG-DIT.png
- ifdis award 2012.png
- IFE.jpg
- Inaugural UK No Fault Found Symposium exceeds all expectations
- indusrtryday2012-01.png
- indusrtryday2012-02.png
- indusrtryday2012-03.png
- indusrtryday2012-04.png
- industrydaypdfdownloadlink.jpg
- Intermittent-Fault-Detection_Aerospace-Testing-International_2018-10-26.png
- Intermittent Fault Detection & Isolation System
- Intermittent Fault Detection benefits discussed in UK Parliament
- Intermittent Fault Detection: Saving the USAF millions of dollars…
- Intermittent Fault Detection wins Top DoD Maintenance Award for a Second Time
- intermittent-fault-emulator-copernicus-technology.pdf
- Intermittent Fault Emulators delivered to NCMS
- Intermittent-Fault-Emulator_web.png
- Introducing No Fault Found
- IoD-Scotland-awards-2015.jpg
- is-aerospace-innovation-short-sighted.jpg
- Is Aerospace short-sighted about maintenance innovation?
- Is NFF a Safety issue?
- jc_and_jmattcg_sept2010.jpg
- Johns.png
- Keeping the NHS Safe
- Knock-News-Jan-2016.png
- linkedin-logo.png
- Links
- Logo - RAeS_PRIMARY logo_RGB.jpg
- Maritime Patrol Aircraft Training
- Maritime Patrol Aircraft training and consultancy.jpg
- Meet Copernicus Technology at AVALON 2017
- Meet Copernicus Technology at Farnborough International Airshow
- Meeting the International F-16 User Community
- Meet us at DVD2016
- MITSloan02.jpg
- MITSloan.jpg
- MLPRF_on_bench.jpg
- mlprf_on_bench.jpg
- mms-almac.jpg
- MOD-In-Service-Support-Technologies-seminar_Bristol_06Jun2017.pdf
- MPA & ISR Consultancy
- MPA Training Case Study
- mpa training.png
- NCMS IFE Training Demo.jpg
- NCMS Logo.jpg
- Ncompass™ testing success on Chinook
- ncompass-voyager-overview.pdf
- ncompass-voyager-technical-specification.pdf
- Ncompass-Voyager_web.jpg
- Nederlands
- New Distributor for the Ncompass Range of Test Equipment
- New Electronics article.png
- New for 2016: SMART™ resource management information system
- News
- News: Master Navigator award for MPA Director
- News: RAF P-8A Training Management System contract award
- News: RAF P-8A Training Management System customer delivery
- News: RAF P-8A Visual Recognition Training
- NFF-dollars.jpg
- nff-master-class.png
- NFF Maturity Model
- NFF-MM_BLURRED_2019-02-26.png
- nff-solutions.png
- NFF-Strategy-Course_v1-0_Copernicus-Technology.pdf
- NFF-Strategy-cse-download.png
- NFF-survey-2015-cover.png
- NFF Symposium01.jpg
- NFF SymposiumJDC.jpg
- Nicolaus Copernicus Honoured in Poland
- nicolauscopernicusmay10.jpg
- No fault found: taking a look inside aircraft maintenance
- nova.png
- ntc_logo.png
- oggen_downtown.jpg
- p1010960.jpg
- P8A-Poseidon_1.jpg
- Partnering with Derco in European Union
- Personal Data Privacy Notice
- perthcollege_25mar11.jpg
- Philip-engineering-logo.jpg
- PHOTO-2020-05-08-17-20-09.jpg
- Pioneers for the pioneers
- poseidon.jpg
- Presentation by Copernicus Technology Ltd at Prestigious RAeS Conference
- Presentation to the RAeS Highland Branch - 10th Feb 2016
- "NFF Solutions" conference cancelled
- RAES Logo.png
- raes_logo.png
- raising_profile_feb2010.jpg
- Reducing Maintenance Costs Through Innovation
- Resetting the Avionics Repair Norm
- Resource & Task Management Database
- RooHornbyAccolade.jpg
- S-92_NV-Testing_2017.jpg
- SCDI-awards-Copernicus-Technology-trophy.jpg
- SCDI-awards-Giles-and-Jim.jpg
- Scottish_Enterprise_ADMS-cover.jpg
- ScottishEnterprise.png
- Screenshot_2020-05-10_at_140846.jpg
- Screenshot_2020-05-10_at_140858.png
- See Copernicus Technology at Advanced Engineering 2016
- SMART-benefits-table.png
- SMART-database-logo.png
- SMART-factsheet-download-button.png
- SMART-Philip-Eng-case-study-button.png
- SMART-product-page-button.png
- Source_easy-jet_drones.jpg
- space_emaps.jpg
- Special Projects & Bespoke Technical Services
- Strategies to defeat No Fault Found
- Successful Collaboration on Technology with USC
- swedishairforcesept10.jpg
- System Integrity and the European Space Industry
- System-Integrity-Factors_624x468.jpg
- team_nova2.jpg
- team_nova3.jpg
- team_nova.jpg
- Team Nova wins STEM award
- Team Typhoon – A New “Challenger” Has Entered the Ring
- Team_Typhoon.png
- tecc_logo.jpg
- Technical Data Analysis
- Technical Director speaks at Perth College
- Test, Build and Repair of Wiring & Components
- Testing Services
- The Aerospace & Defence Knowledge Transfer Network (A&D KTN) Conference
- The biggest strategy consideration for Data Analysis
- The-NFF-Problem_slideshare-link.jpg
- through-life engineering services.png
- Training: Advanced Diagnostics
- Training: IFD Test Operators
- Training: No Fault Found Solutions
- Training: No Fault Found Strategy
- Treasury Minister visits Copernicus Technology
- Updated Frequently Asked Questions
- usaf_saving_millions.png
- USC_VIFD512-Quick-Start-Guide_2018-06-01.pdf
- US Defence Dept targets billion dollar NFF savings
- US_Navy_070327-N-3855M-001_Aviation_Technician_Airman_Ashley_R._Smith_and_Aviation_Technician_3rd_Class_Justin_L._Thurman_assigned_to_the_Mad_Foxes_of_Patrol_Squadron_VP_5_reinstall_an_antennae_on_a_P-3C_Orion_aircraft.jpg
- US Navy Maintenance Commander praises IFDIS results
- USN-COMFRC_Rear-Adm-Mike-Zarkowski.png
- Visit Copernicus Technology at Farnborough International Airshow
- Visit-us-at-Farnborough12th-13th-July-2016.jpg
- Visual Target Recognition Training
- Voyager Intermittent Fault Detection Tester
- Voyager-Intermittent-Fault-Detector-512.png
- vv.png
- Winner of US DoD Great Maintenance Ideas Competition - Intermittent Fault Detection
- XST-visit_Copernicus-Technology_2018-08-28.jpg